jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

27F was traumatic :$

The 27 of February of 2010 at 3:34 I was on my bed trying to counselling the sleep after seeing the TV, when things became moving at first I thought: “its ok, just another tremor”, but then the movement started to get bigger, and I jumped out of the bed and ran right to the door to stay under the doorframe with my mother my father and my cousin Alan that by the time was living with us. When the quake ended up, my mother called my brother to know how he was (he was working on a disco when 27F happened, at least we thought that).  Thing is he was OK, he were driving when quake attacked, and when the movement started he just pulled over and saw the street moving. After the 27F I was shocking, and with the aftershocks I became paranoiac and I started imagining the aftershocks, so when a real aftershocks were coming I didn’t know if it was a real or an imaginary movement, it truly sucked. But that’s just the beginning, after the quake it started a local paranoia that people was robbing houses, so neighbours made barricades and I stayed awake all night long to make guard.

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