jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

My Blog Experience

My experience writing the class blog was great, I did enjoy doing it, it’s much better than a regular class because the students had more participation, we practiced our English by doing the blog, the subjects were interesting so I wanted to write about them, I liked all the subjects and specially I liked to do my post called “The Best Bass Player From YouTube”, cause I like to write about music and specially the bass guitar. Bad things, I’d wish to know more about English, like grammatical rules, to make betters blogs (with better redaction).

I think my English didn´t got better by doing the blog, but it didn’t went worse, most of it because doing the blog made me constantly practiced it so I didn´t lose it, the past semester I didn’t had an English class, so I didn´t practiced and it was difficult to write it. Otherwise doing the blog was too easy for me, I´d like to have more difficult work to do, it could worth to learn some more. But I like that the class is like relax, is not stressing like other class I have, and I like to learn and speak English so it is one of my favourites class.

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