jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

A special talent ¿?

A special talent. I don’t think I have a special talent, everything I am good on it, it is because my effort, because of practice and nothing else, I am not a talented or gifted person in anything at all, and be effort it is not my talent either, because I put my effort only in the things I love, like music, I think I am a good bassist but not because I born to be one but I played a lot in mi free days with my band, or being a good goalkeeper is because my brother taught me how to be a good on it, so it is not like hard work, it is more like a hobby.

Aaaaa, I just remember that I have a very good memory for some things like video games or movies or old songs that use to play long ago, I remember exactly the order of the sequences, is crazy, is almost like photographic memory for videogames and movies (songs take me more mental effort).

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