viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


Hi people! I was wondering what to tell you about, and I didn’t find nothing interesting to mention, so I’ll recommend you a television series called TAKEN. I watched Taken when I was a child by recommendation of my cousin Adolfo, and in companion of my brother. This is actually a miniseries because it has ten chapters. Produced by Steven Spielberg and the only actress I remember is Dakota Fanning, the plot starts with a great quantity of abductions in the 40’s and end in the 2002 with the conclusion of the story.  The story is divided in three parts with three generations of people being abducted by extraterrestrials, and the culmination and climax of the plot comes with Dakota Fanning, acting like the last descendent of the generation of abducted people and the owner of incredible powers, that call the attention of the US´S high command.
I liked this series because it has a great plot, great special effects (for that age it was the best special effects), so much drama, mysteries, and suspense.

Finally I must recognize that I don’t remember the entire plot, cause it has been  long time since I saw Taken, but I did remember that I liked it.

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