jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014

Because of that

I decided to study geography because I need to study something, or at least so think my mom, and when I was a child a could staring looking at map for like hours and don’t boring about it at all, so I liked maps and pretty much I like Atlas of the world and I though It will be funny to study geography because I will make this maps and I will make decisions about it.

I like eat the information of the world with the eyes, with just a look to the page know pretty much about a country or a continent, and even make the way to make those maps, I mean you will have to go there eventually, and that’s kind of funny to see the world and trying to describe it.

I dislike all the physic part of the geography, like geology or climatology, all the numbers and this stuff, it is boring and stressing, I hate it xD, no, not really.

Once I graduate I don’t have idea what it going to happen with my life. Because I want to do music to but I have the pressure of my family to be a geographer, but I think I will start making some music and try to living with that, if it fails, I’ll always have the geography.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

\m/ Iron Maiden \m/

Eeem, where should I start? I will tell about the best concert that I’ve watched until now, it is Iron Maiden at the Club Hipico of Santiago in the 2009, they were doing the Somewhere Back in Time world tour, it was my second big concert that I’ve assisted, and yes the first one was Maiden in Chile one year before, same tour.
I went to this concert because Maiden is awesome doing live shows, and they were my favorite band at that time, seriously I loved these guys, and it is because of Steve Harris that I started playing bass, cause I wanted to be like him. So that they came to Chile for those two years was like a gift, plus I liked the show of the 2008, so I really wanted to see them again.

Usually they didn't bring the whole show with all the pyrotechnic, but this was the first time they did it, so it is an unforgettable show for all the Chileans troopers (the Maiden’s Chilean fanatics).  I forgot to mention that the show counted with more than 60.000 people, including me, my brother, my cousin Alan, my brother’s friends, and others Maiden’s fanatics from Lampa. I could speak a lot more of that concert, it have a lot of meaning for me, so if YOU the one who is reading at this want to know more, invite me a beer and I will tell everything. Bye!

When I feel nostalgic i watch the video!

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Hajime no ippo

I am not Reading non text about other thing that geography, which is very sad, but in my free time I try to read Hajime no Ippo, or the way it is called in English, Fighting Spirit (Espíritu de lucha en español). It is a manga about a quiet and timid Japanese pugilist called Ippo Makunouchi and his fighting’s stories, and his friends (who are pugilists to) stories. I started reading it because I saw the anime series of Fighting Spirit and I really liked it, like really, but the series do not cover the whole story, it end before of the best part, but I needed to know what is going to happened with Ippo Makunouchi and his friends, so I started reading the manga to know it, and the manga is still on emission so I think I will have to read a lot more of Hajime no Ippo.

I like it because it’s like a great story of a quiet and timid guy who becomes a great fighter in base of dedication and effort. I think I kind of identify me with Ippo, the same think happen with all other timid and quiet people, I think. Plus the fights are very exciting, trust me Rocky’s fights are nothing compare with Ippo’s fights.
This is one of the most exiting fights

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

A special talent ¿?

A special talent. I don’t think I have a special talent, everything I am good on it, it is because my effort, because of practice and nothing else, I am not a talented or gifted person in anything at all, and be effort it is not my talent either, because I put my effort only in the things I love, like music, I think I am a good bassist but not because I born to be one but I played a lot in mi free days with my band, or being a good goalkeeper is because my brother taught me how to be a good on it, so it is not like hard work, it is more like a hobby.

Aaaaa, I just remember that I have a very good memory for some things like video games or movies or old songs that use to play long ago, I remember exactly the order of the sequences, is crazy, is almost like photographic memory for videogames and movies (songs take me more mental effort).

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Hi there, today I’m going to talk you about my favorite group activity, which is play or do some music. At first I think that football would be my favorite group activity for the rest of my life, but people who play football in Chile are very competitive people, and that divide the country, sometimes football make people fight with each other. Because of that I left the football down the music in my preferences.

By playing and listen music I realize that music make people get closer to each other, it is like if music makes join the people, and because of that I love the music. I had met very much people because of music and I had share with some much people because of music that I feel that I am in debt of music.  
Once a week I play music with my band mates form OCIO, which is my band, but some weeks we do not play at all :/. And I have another band with no name, but we don’t play since a month I think, and that’s kind of sad, because when me play we drink a lot of beer and I miis that.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Fiestas Patrias To Me

Hi chipamoglis, I really like fiestas patrias, it represent to me a break in a year of stress, which is something that saving for committing suicide to a lot of people. In this date normally my family enjoys it by making a barbecue an eating the pours but delicious animals, and I usually take one day to drink some beer or wine or ron or pisco, whiskey, terremoto or other drink, and get drunk while making a barbecue with my friends. (I very like to drink jote too, but terremoto is the best).

I don´t remember the best fiestas patrias I had, and if I do remember all the FP (which is not), I could not choose one, but the last year I went to fly a kite with the family of my friends Joaquin, it was very fun, especially because we saw one guy training his galgo dog for the dog’s races, with the help of a bicycle he roll up a rope with something that the dog tried to chase, but the dog didn’t stop because he never caught the thing, so his dog crushed him, and the guy was so furious with his dog even if it was his fault, with Joaquin we started laughing and the guy was so embarrassed that he went out to the place, funny.

I don’t remember to played 18’s games like rayuela, or palo encebado, I just remember me playing to trompo when I was a child and it wasn´t very funny, I think that play the 18’s games is not my thing.

viernes, 5 de septiembre de 2014


Hi people! I was wondering what to tell you about, and I didn’t find nothing interesting to mention, so I’ll recommend you a television series called TAKEN. I watched Taken when I was a child by recommendation of my cousin Adolfo, and in companion of my brother. This is actually a miniseries because it has ten chapters. Produced by Steven Spielberg and the only actress I remember is Dakota Fanning, the plot starts with a great quantity of abductions in the 40’s and end in the 2002 with the conclusion of the story.  The story is divided in three parts with three generations of people being abducted by extraterrestrials, and the culmination and climax of the plot comes with Dakota Fanning, acting like the last descendent of the generation of abducted people and the owner of incredible powers, that call the attention of the US´S high command.
I liked this series because it has a great plot, great special effects (for that age it was the best special effects), so much drama, mysteries, and suspense.

Finally I must recognize that I don’t remember the entire plot, cause it has been  long time since I saw Taken, but I did remember that I liked it.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

my cousin's wedding

Hi good people, today I’m going to tell you about my cousin’s wedding banquette. So, my cousin Adolfo (yes, like Hitler) got married with Rocío and form a family, and I am very bad remembering dates son I don’t remember when it was the wedding, but it was like six or five years ago in one of my first year of media education. I choose this meal because all my family was there, all my fifteen cousins and my five aunts and uncles, that without counting the family of Rocío and all the “extra people” there like my brother´s ex-girlfriend and others. I am saying this because we are a numerous family and it takes a great quantity of work regroups the entire clan.

I remember that in one moment I played cards with two of my cousins because one of them wanted to be outside the noisy party and noisy people, so we left for a moment to the house (the wedding was taking place in the backyard of a rented house). And I remember that it was an open bar party but the bar man didn’t wanted to give me drinks because a was still being a age minor.


jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

My Winter Break

Hi Again!, has been a long time don’t it? Well as you can see in the title of this post I will tell you about my winter breaks:
On my winter break I didn’t did so much, essentially I started watching breaking bad series on my computer, I got back playing music with my old band called Garage, and I went out with friends in Lampa (a very bored place). I started watching breaking bad because a band mate started watching it first and he told me that it was a master piece, not with that exactly words but something like that, so I watched the three first chapters and it really got me.
The other thing I did was started again making music with Garage, my old band, in these two weeks we made one new song and we have almost finished two more, and we played the classic cover songs that we always played and it was great to get back with those guys, I love them.
The last thing I did was hanging out with friends (some of them are the same guys form Garage), and meet again with some old school friends like Nia or Mari or Pipene, we organized a reunion and it was a great night, except for the part that in the other day I had a terrible hangover.

jueves, 19 de junio de 2014

My Blog Experience

My experience writing the class blog was great, I did enjoy doing it, it’s much better than a regular class because the students had more participation, we practiced our English by doing the blog, the subjects were interesting so I wanted to write about them, I liked all the subjects and specially I liked to do my post called “The Best Bass Player From YouTube”, cause I like to write about music and specially the bass guitar. Bad things, I’d wish to know more about English, like grammatical rules, to make betters blogs (with better redaction).

I think my English didn´t got better by doing the blog, but it didn’t went worse, most of it because doing the blog made me constantly practiced it so I didn´t lose it, the past semester I didn’t had an English class, so I didn´t practiced and it was difficult to write it. Otherwise doing the blog was too easy for me, I´d like to have more difficult work to do, it could worth to learn some more. But I like that the class is like relax, is not stressing like other class I have, and I like to learn and speak English so it is one of my favourites class.

jueves, 5 de junio de 2014

27F was traumatic :$

The 27 of February of 2010 at 3:34 I was on my bed trying to counselling the sleep after seeing the TV, when things became moving at first I thought: “its ok, just another tremor”, but then the movement started to get bigger, and I jumped out of the bed and ran right to the door to stay under the doorframe with my mother my father and my cousin Alan that by the time was living with us. When the quake ended up, my mother called my brother to know how he was (he was working on a disco when 27F happened, at least we thought that).  Thing is he was OK, he were driving when quake attacked, and when the movement started he just pulled over and saw the street moving. After the 27F I was shocking, and with the aftershocks I became paranoiac and I started imagining the aftershocks, so when a real aftershocks were coming I didn’t know if it was a real or an imaginary movement, it truly sucked. But that’s just the beginning, after the quake it started a local paranoia that people was robbing houses, so neighbours made barricades and I stayed awake all night long to make guard.

jueves, 29 de mayo de 2014

A country?

Well, the question: where country you'd like to visit? has killed me. There are a lot of countries that I’d love to visit for different reasons each one, that I can´t just puck one, so I will mention all the countries and the reason because I´d like to visit it, here we go:

Brazil: I´d like to visit Brazil because it diverse gastronomy, ethylic culture, the samba, how everything is party, the people is strangely happy.    

Russia: I like their vodka, and it has the most beautiful woman in the world.

England: I love their musical culture, I dream with the idea of going to one of all the music festival that take place in England, like Glastonbury festival, and of course I love whiskey.

Spain: It is an artistic country and I like it. Also it have a good clime, good beaches, it has a great history, and a very good wine and beer.

Greece: Very interesting country by his ancient culture and it good gastronomy.

Cuba: It has good beaches, very good ron, and a very good clime (on summer), I like the idea of going to a discotheque and dance salsa or cumbia.

Argentina: I´d like the underground musical scene from Argentina, I’d like to listen it personally.

Germany: I´d like to go to the original Octoberfest, the mother of all the Octoberfests.

China: I´d like to know it millennial culture, millennial gastronomy, millennial art (you got the idea), also China has very beautiful natural places, and of course that I like to walk across the Chinese wall.

E.E.U.U.: It looks like a funny place, with funny festivals and good music.

Ok, there are a lot of more countries but it will take a lot of time and honestly I’m tired.


Hi fellas! What would i do if i were to London? possibly no big thing, i´d like to walk by the streets , go to the Emirates stadium to see an Arsenal match hopefully with the Manchester United or the Liverpool, visit the London eye, the Big Beng, go to a bar and drink some whiskeys, get lost on the Underground that is something that i probably wouldn´t like but sure it will happen, take a trip on a big red bus and sitting on the second floor, make a prank call on his red telephones, go boating in the Thames, visit old buildings with a lot of history, maybe watch a rock show (or a lot of them) in a famous pub, take an english breakfast by dinner, visit the royal palace and make fun of the guards, visit a candy store because the candy and the chocolate taste different there (or people says that), go picnic in a park like Mr. Bean, play a football match with english people and win (probably). I´d like to do the most of these things with my friends Gabierto, Joakokos, Pipene, Piperuano, Raul, Matigato, Mati, Guidios, i mean my friends and my brother.

jueves, 24 de abril de 2014

Android Paranoid

Hi everyone!
I must say that at the moment I fell in love with two songs. The first one, and my favorite at the time, it’s called Android Paranoid and it’s by Radiohead, I don’t remember when I listened it for first time, but it was like many years ago, but lately I took a great taste for this song. The genre is alternative rock, and I like it because the melody is great, the rhythm’s changes are sublime, it starts soft, and then it goes like strong to back to soft and finish strong.

The other song I like at the moment is called She Look To Me, and it’s played by Red Hot Chili Peppers. I listened like a month ago and then I decided that I had to play it with my bass. I don’t know why I like it, but I think that is because it’s a very melodic song. It is an alternative rock song that belongs to the Stadium Arcadium album. I has never listened this complete album because it’s have 28 songs, so takes an entire afternoon to listen it entire, because of that I still discovering its songs until today.

This is Android Paranoid by Radiohead
If you like reggae, this is a version you will like!
And last but not least, She look to me by RHCP

miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014

The Best Bass Player From YouTube

Hi everyone!

Today I’d like to tell you about one person I admire so much, his name is David, he lives in Switzerland and he is a big bass player (the best) from youtube, he makes videos of himself playing a great diversity of funky songs and rock songs. He started by playing covers of Red Hot Chili Peppers, then he went playing covers from others bands, and now he has his own funky band. He is fast and he has a great technique, his playing way is clean (he don’t make big or many mistakes). Also, he feels the music. I have seen many bass players that don’t enjoy the music they play, they only play the bass like for competition or for presume their skills, but no because they like it, but no David, he plays because he like it, not to presume.

Time ago I needed to learn some bass lines from different songs, so I watched David’s videos and I did practiced every day by looking at those videos. That way I became a better bassist. So I admire this guy because when he started he wasn’t different from others beginners, but now he plays and he is like no other (on YouTube), I definitely want to be like him. 

Take a look of his work! 

jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Myths and Legends

Hi everyone!

Today I’m going to talk to you about a card game called Myths and Legends. I don’t remember when I learned to play it, but I was like ten or eleven years old, or maybe twelve, I don’t know. I played Myths and Legends the most of the times with friends and cousins, and that is why I liked that much, because it was an excuse to meet these guys, and meet new people, and it help to enjoy the basic school. The game is great, you have to use your brain if you want to defeat your adversary, also if you do not have good cards your chances of win are lows, but the most important is have good luck, because without luck you will never take the card you need. The last time I played this game, it was against my younger cousin Diego, and he smashed me, only because I was out of practice. Here i left you some cards that i liked.

jueves, 3 de abril de 2014

Playa Las Docas


Dear Chipamoglis

The beach that you see in this picture it’s called Las Docas, in reference to a flower called like that which grows up in that place. This beach is very closer to Laguna Verde, a little coastline town in the fifth region of Chile in which my aunt Gloria have a cabin. Las Docas is an Ensenada with a head nip that refracts the marine currents making them less strong, which makes the beach a quiet place to swim in the water. I went to that beach for last time like five years ago, and I went with my brother, two of my six aunts, and three cousins, it was a nice trip. That day we walked across the beach, we swimed all the evening, after that we sited down and spend the afternoon taking sun and talking. I like that beach because it’s a very quiet place, with no much people going there, so its a kind of secret beach.   

jueves, 27 de marzo de 2014

The Day i Saw My Favourite Band

September 16 of 2011was the day, 20:00 was the hour (with a little of late) Red Hot Chili Peppers was the band. That was the only concert of RHCP that i has went in all my life, it was in Estadio Monumental, Santiago, house of the best Chilean football team: Colo-Colo. I went with my best friend Joaquin and my non-that-much friend Matias, we also invited our friend Gabierto, but his money get robbery, so he didn´t went. The show was great, it start with the opening band of the day, the chilean funky band Chancho en Piedra. They made an excellent show full of energy and good vibre. After his show and ended really tired, that tired that i asked myself if i can really go on. Then the second band of the afternoon went out: FOALS. A very hipster band that didn't make it. That was them first show in Chile, and i am pretty sure that they are good, no excellent, no very good, but good. So when they went out to scene, people was very energized by the Chanchos, so they were expecting something like that, but FOALS are a quiet band with a quiet and deep sound, and people started desespering to see the Red Hots, so FOALS didn't stay for much longer.
Then the Red Hot get at the stage, and the whole show was great an unforgetable, except for the part that they didn't play the song Snow (hey oh), one of their bests songs. With my friends will always remember that day.


jueves, 20 de marzo de 2014




Hi chipamoglis!
Today i'm going to talk you about my friend Gabriel, or Gabierto, wherever you prefer.
He is a good friend of my since nine years, that its the time what i started going to the same school in Lampa that he was, and we still in that school for other seven years. At the very begining, in my first day of school i started knowing the class and i find that with Gabierto and three ohers guys were very nice people to talk to, they were happy and funny people so i try to get close to them, and it works. I like he because he always (almost always, every one have bad days) smiles to the world, he lives and enjoys the "today". Some day we decided to start a band, because non of the two of us had one, and we was bored. So together with three others guys we made a band, he was the guitar player, and i the bass player. And one day we were about to play in a bar club when he decided not to play, because he had no animus, so we had to play without him, and it was great, but we get mad with him anyways, so we take he out of the band, but we still being friends anyways. When we have time we meet to drink, go ride for a while in ours bicycles, went to  music events, watch internet videos and stuff like that. One time he changed his living place to Santiago, and our group of friends was very sad, we made him a goodbye and we pased a very emotional time, but, he went back like two months later so... 

miércoles, 19 de marzo de 2014

Nasa-funded study: industrial civilisation headed for 'irreversible collapse'?

The Nasa has made a study about records of old civilizations along the history that has fails and collapsed because they reach a point in them development that isn't sustainable anymore. This is compared with our era noticing that we are reaching the same point unless we change our civilization's behavior.
