jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

\m/ Iron Maiden \m/

Eeem, where should I start? I will tell about the best concert that I’ve watched until now, it is Iron Maiden at the Club Hipico of Santiago in the 2009, they were doing the Somewhere Back in Time world tour, it was my second big concert that I’ve assisted, and yes the first one was Maiden in Chile one year before, same tour.
I went to this concert because Maiden is awesome doing live shows, and they were my favorite band at that time, seriously I loved these guys, and it is because of Steve Harris that I started playing bass, cause I wanted to be like him. So that they came to Chile for those two years was like a gift, plus I liked the show of the 2008, so I really wanted to see them again.

Usually they didn't bring the whole show with all the pyrotechnic, but this was the first time they did it, so it is an unforgettable show for all the Chileans troopers (the Maiden’s Chilean fanatics).  I forgot to mention that the show counted with more than 60.000 people, including me, my brother, my cousin Alan, my brother’s friends, and others Maiden’s fanatics from Lampa. I could speak a lot more of that concert, it have a lot of meaning for me, so if YOU the one who is reading at this want to know more, invite me a beer and I will tell everything. Bye!

When I feel nostalgic i watch the video!

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Hajime no ippo

I am not Reading non text about other thing that geography, which is very sad, but in my free time I try to read Hajime no Ippo, or the way it is called in English, Fighting Spirit (Espíritu de lucha en español). It is a manga about a quiet and timid Japanese pugilist called Ippo Makunouchi and his fighting’s stories, and his friends (who are pugilists to) stories. I started reading it because I saw the anime series of Fighting Spirit and I really liked it, like really, but the series do not cover the whole story, it end before of the best part, but I needed to know what is going to happened with Ippo Makunouchi and his friends, so I started reading the manga to know it, and the manga is still on emission so I think I will have to read a lot more of Hajime no Ippo.

I like it because it’s like a great story of a quiet and timid guy who becomes a great fighter in base of dedication and effort. I think I kind of identify me with Ippo, the same think happen with all other timid and quiet people, I think. Plus the fights are very exciting, trust me Rocky’s fights are nothing compare with Ippo’s fights.
This is one of the most exiting fights

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

A special talent ¿?

A special talent. I don’t think I have a special talent, everything I am good on it, it is because my effort, because of practice and nothing else, I am not a talented or gifted person in anything at all, and be effort it is not my talent either, because I put my effort only in the things I love, like music, I think I am a good bassist but not because I born to be one but I played a lot in mi free days with my band, or being a good goalkeeper is because my brother taught me how to be a good on it, so it is not like hard work, it is more like a hobby.

Aaaaa, I just remember that I have a very good memory for some things like video games or movies or old songs that use to play long ago, I remember exactly the order of the sequences, is crazy, is almost like photographic memory for videogames and movies (songs take me more mental effort).

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014


Hi there, today I’m going to talk you about my favorite group activity, which is play or do some music. At first I think that football would be my favorite group activity for the rest of my life, but people who play football in Chile are very competitive people, and that divide the country, sometimes football make people fight with each other. Because of that I left the football down the music in my preferences.

By playing and listen music I realize that music make people get closer to each other, it is like if music makes join the people, and because of that I love the music. I had met very much people because of music and I had share with some much people because of music that I feel that I am in debt of music.  
Once a week I play music with my band mates form OCIO, which is my band, but some weeks we do not play at all :/. And I have another band with no name, but we don’t play since a month I think, and that’s kind of sad, because when me play we drink a lot of beer and I miis that.